Full Scope Actuation Supply House

While some companies know just valve systems and others know only actuation, Industrial Service Solutions is your sole source for actuated valve packages and actuation service. As an industry expert, we provide comprehensive automated valve packages with real world practical experience to all markets, including water/waste water, petrochemical, oil and gas, power generation, and mining.

From knowing how to orient the actuator, account for potential maximum operational conditions, and knowing how the valve will require servicing position ISS as the one you need to design, procure, and service your actuation package. As the factory authorized representative for multiple actuation brands, ISS is here 24/7 to serve your automated flow path needs from maintenance and repairs to product selection and installation.

Reliable and Cost-Effective

The team at ISS knows a dependable, efficient flow system is crucial to the safety of your operators as well as the efficiency of your company’s plant operations. With today’s market demands both valves and actuators are often pushed to design and usage limits placing an even greater need to focus on the full service lifecycle of actuated assets. ISS realizes your need to do this on a reasonable budget. With our ability to cross-utilize resources we provide cost-effective maintenance, on-site repair, shop services, system analytics, and informed product sales.

We have 13 western U.S. actuation centers with 24/7 expert technicians to manage your actuation products and services – wherever and whenever you need it. Bay Valve experts put the power in our customers’ hands to control flow based on their specific industrial needs. We offer services and products for all automated systems, including hydraulic, pneumatic, and electric for quarter-turn, multi-turn, and valve processes.


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to explore the other companies in the ISS family that are eager to serve you with unparalleled variety, expertise, and value.

Choose a service below to learn more about our capabilities and offerings. If you do not find what you’re looking for,
feel free to give us a call at 888.384.2111 or email marketing@iss-na.com. We’re always here to help.

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